Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm Lucy, nice to meet you!
You’ve already met Ana a few posts back, now
allow me to introduce myself.

I’m Lucy, and while I don’t have the same artistic background that she has, being part of MCA has allowed me to explore different creative avenues that I’d long put on the back burner once life got busy.

Never really cared for sewing, knitting or crocheting…
my mom tried to teach me those long ago but since gave up. 
Even Ana tried to convince me to try again, I went so far as to buy myself a small starter sewing machine. Well, it’s been in the box…since November and now resides in the back of my closet!
So I guess the fibre arts are just not my thing. Ana piqued my interest a few years ago with jewelry making. We’d get together with our combined supplies and see what we could come up with.
The irony of it all? I don’t really wear jewelry, except for the same little gold earrings and necklace, so that’s become an “on again, off again” interest.
I was thrilled to try the pottery wheel with a short introductory course offered at Ceramics Canada, a local established ceramic and potter’s studio. I made 3 lovely pieces (ok, so one has a nick in it, but it’s uniquely my nick) that I’m proud to display on my bookcase. I was also introduced to their glass fusing workshops and had a great time making glass fused pendants.
They have made for really nice gifts as well as good conversation pieces. So, I do enjoy dabbling in many aspects. Only problem is, like Ana, I wind up with many projects either in my head itching to come out and be created, or half completed collecting dust in my crawlspace.
My poor husband would really like to reclaim the crawlspace! So we decided to focus our combined energy on one project at a time to try and hopefully not stray off on too many tangents.

Through our blog, we hope to share many fun projects along with our reviews on how we did throughout the process…and more. This month we’re celebrating Earth Month so stay tuned for what we can come up with. If you have any suggestions for projects we should attempt, we’d love to hear about it.”


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